Thursday, July 7, 2011

Juggling Work

    Sorry it's been so long between pipes again. I've been quite busy refinishing a condo. My last wood project was for a brother in law (not the one who got the pipe at Christmas), check out his stuff at userfriendlyhardware. So for his birthday I made him some juggling clubs. It was a great chance to play around with the new lathe. The clubs are 20" long and weigh 10 oz. I had bought a cheap plastic club as a pattern and it is 20" long and weighs 8 oz. I think I can drop the 2 oz. if use more cedar and less pine and redwood. I finished them with a semi-gloss polyurethane. 

      I know it's not a pipe but I wanted to show that I have been doing something. I'm working on a couple of pipes and I hope to try my hand at turning some cups soon. 


  1. These are very cool, each one should have a name or something.

  2. Such as Mishak, Shadrack and Abednigo.

  3. I wont be impressed until you made some juggling pipes and your brotherinlaw smoke/juggles them...I think the term is smuggle?

  4. Do flaming clubs work or do they have to be pipe clubs.
